Why Is Drupal Development Popular Among Government Agencies?
Drupal made a huge splash when it was chosen to redesign the White House website. Today, more than 150 government websites run on Drupal. Apart from just powering government websites in the U.S., it powers the government sites of countries like Australia, Albania, Zimbabwe, and more. This makes Drupal a proven content management system (CMS) that exquisitely meets the diverse requirements of the government organizations around the globe.
But what makes Drupal popular among so many government organizations? The reason is its flexibility. Drupal is widely known for building and managing very large websites. And governments prefer Drupal development due to its capability of managing a variety of projects. However, there are a number of other factors that make Drupal a choice of CMS among government organizations. So, read through the list below
4 Factors That Make Drupal a Preferred Choice For Government Sector:
1. Cost Effective: Drupal, being an open-source platform, minimizes the initial cost of building or re-building a website. It is often considered as the most cost-effective platform. The software is free to download, use and share. This is the biggest long-term benefit for governments as they can save a huge amount for licensing websites. In addition to that, Drupal is developed by a community of 630,000+ developers and comes with thousands of free modules and extensions. Also, the users contribute and maintain the platform continuously. So, governments do not have to worry about the outdated technology issues.
2. Innovation: As Drupal is community-driven by nature, it helps government agencies to innovate through collaboration. It is essential for government agencies to share the technologies and innovations across other government bodies as they can benefit from it. This also fits well with President Obama’s words, “We will work together to ensure the public trust and establish a system of transparency, public participation, and collaboration." Perhaps, this could be one of the reasons why Drupal was chosen for re-building whitehouse.gov.
3. Security: This is another reason that makes government agencies jump onto Drupal bandwagon. Governments have recognized the superior security an open-source model can offer. With a community of more than thousand developers, the security gaps are quickly identified and remediated. It also provides other security methods like community and automated code review. This makes Drupal an obvious choice as website security is of utmost importance to any government organization.
4. Flexibility & Scalability: Drupal is highly flexible and scalable to fit into various projects. From government agencies to enterprises. Drupal can fulfill requirements of all. Name a feature you require and the Drupal community may have a module already. In case you don’t find it, you can develop and contribute it back to the community.
With all the above-listed reasons, Drupal seems to be an appealing solution for developing government websites. Since the launch of White House site, Drupal has made a special place in the government space for itself. It has also shared all the government projects on its community.
What other benefits do you think Drupal can offer for governments and enterprises? List your answers in the comments.